Exhibition open call:
18.12.2024 – 05.01.2025
at Guangdong San Ta Museum Of Art , China
The concept of nature, including human and other species within culturally and historically diverse circumstances, as well as questions about the interaction between human and nature and its consequences.
Is humanity basically one species in the richness of all species of nature, or is the human race special? Our current conception places human in a responsible position as a contributor to the well-being of nature and our entire habitat.
How human activity is reflected on a global scale and how this is reflected in the experience and interpretation of artists in contemporary art.
The HUMAN AND NATURE International Exhibition reflects this important theme from the perspective of artists from different cultures.
Luontokäsitys, ihminen mukaanluettuna, vaihtelee kulttuurisesti ja historiallisesti erilaisissa olosuhteissa, samoin kysymykset ihmisen ja
luonnon vuorovaikutuksesta, sekä sen seurauksista.
Onko ihminen lähtökohtaisesti yksi laji koko luonnon lajirikkaudessa vai onko ihmiskunnan asema erityinen? Nykykäsityksemme asettaa ihmisen
vastuulliseen asemaan luonnon ja koko elinympäristömme hyvinvointiin vaikuttavana toimijana.
Millä tavalla ihmisen toiminta heijastuu koko maapallon mittakaavassa ja kuinka tämä näyttäytyy taiteilijoiden kokemuksena ja tulkintana
nykytaiteessa. Kansainvälinen HUMAN AND NATURE- näyttely peilaa taiteen keinoin tätä tärkeää aihetta eri kulttuureja edustavien taiteilijoiden näkemyksillä.
Exhibiton time: 18.12.2024 – 05.01.2025
Opening cermony: 18.12.2024, 2:30 pm
Exhibiton venue: Guangdong San Ta Museum Of Art , China
Address: Zini Town of Art, Zini Village, Shawan Town, Fanyu District. Guangzhou 511487, China
Open hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00-18:00 (Last Admission: 17:30) Notice will be announced separately in particular cases.
About Guangdong San Ta Museum Of Art , China
Located in the core area of Guangzhou Zini Town Cultural and Creative Park, Community of San Ta Museum of Art is an art project established in 2023 which integrates art-related functions such as art museum, artwork store, cultural & creative market and art consultation.

Zini Sugar Factory is China’s first self-constructed large sugar factory after the founding of New China. Now this industrial historical site has been activated and transformed into Zini Town Cultural and Creative Park where many old industrial style and Soviet-style building shave been preserved. And industry sections such as art, culture, tourism, film and technology are integrated, which makes Zini Town full of unique industrial art atmosphere. In 2022, Zini Town Cultural and Creative Park was rated as a 3A national tourist attraction.

Guangdong San Ta Museum of Art is located at former Guangdong Zini Tang Art Center. The building is designed and transformed on the basis of “the third stage bleaching of papermaking” workshop of former Zini Sugar Factory. As a multi-functional and comprehensive art platform, former Guangdong Zini Tang Art Center held a lot of large-scale art exhibitions, such as the sixth triennial exhibition of Guangzhou :”Future Progress – Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Art”, “Schema and System: A Dynamic Observation on Guangdong Contemporary Art” and “Form, Line, Outline——The Power generated by the Encounter of European and Chinese Art”, as well as “Let Art Flow” Zini Tang Charity Auction were held.

As a professional museum opens to the public, San Ta Museum of Art actively participated in the construction of Guangdong art ecology, contributing an art field to Guangdong as well as nourishing the possibility of future cultural development by academic research, exhibition, public-service, communication and experiment, in order to become a new landmark of Guangdong art.
To learn more about our 1st edition of Human And Nature exhibition in Zini Art Town, please visit our previous post:

As the exhibitions are ast-paced and space is limited, we kindly ask you to express your interest as soon as possible. Please send our artwork and artist information to both of the following addresses:
mariblomroos ( a ) gmail.com and hls ( a ) galleriakookos.fi, and we will get in touch with you.
Director: Hong Liu-Sertti
hls (a) galleriakookos.fi
+ 358 405395833
Curator: Mari Blomroos-Heininen
mariblomroos (a) gmail.com
+ 358 400975240